Jun 1, 2023Liked by Counter Disinformation Project

Ive sent a donation. Malhotra is a really harmful doctor.

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even if they lose , its worth raising again, and again and again, there are doctors all over the world spreading lies and misinformation for their own gain- you may go down, but go down fighting. These 'doctors' have youtube channels, huge following on social media etc. They win even when they lose- Andrew Wakefield lives in a mansion in the US with a supermodel, apparently- and look at the thousands of dead children hes responsible for! But they are a shamed on our profession.

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have you read the book «The Real Anthony Fauci»? there are over 2000 references .

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The problem is that the GMC tried to take action against another physician, this went to the high court who ruled against the GMC citing the Human Rights Act and freedom of expression. This was the standard response to any complaint against Aseem Malhotra.

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The fact that these doctors are suing the GMC proves there is in a fact a conspiracy, by the true definition of the word. They want to silence dissenting voices instead of just proving them wrong with real data and facts, because they know they can’t do that. Real world data is overwhelming that C-19 vaccine harms far outweigh their benefits. It’s no longer theory, but you keep clutching your pejoratives as long as it makes you happy

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May 31, 2023Liked by Counter Disinformation Project

Deal with it. Doctors who spread dangerous misinformation may lose their license. Not a new phenomenon.

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Honestly? You are using the word "silence" to characterise the long overdue action against a fringe doctor who has spread misinformation that is a hazard to the lives and health of the public that he is supposed to help. His minority fringe view has had far greater prominence that it ever should have had because of the media's penchant for controversy and clickbait. On merit, his voice would not even have been heard at all. Silenced, my ass.

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Would you like to have a public debate with any one of the doctors and scientists that are speaking out just like this doctor is? As to my knowledge no public health officer has come forward to discuss this openly. Including you.

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Public debate simply proves who is the better speaker, it is not the way science is actually done, so would show nothing. If he really wants to prove he's right, Malhotra would get a paper pubished in a reputable journal ie the place science really is debated. However he can't do that, because what he is saying has already been shown to be wrong

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