The very fact that an outfit titling itself the 'Counter Disinformation Projects' exists, is testimony to the current omnipresent urge to control free speech, by people who just want control. This particular initiative is all of a piece with other similar, self-declared, self-important 'fact-checking' and 'reliable information' so-called 'services'.

The truth is: very many people in positions of influence are terrified at the thought that the truth about the vileness at the highest levels of politics, business, finance, etc. might get out and wreck their privilege. They are terrified at the prospect that a free and well-informed populace might uncover the hypocrisy, venality and downright nastiness of the 'establishment'.

The vicious attack upon humanity by the big pharmaceutical companies, with its consequent death and destruction, has woken up the populace of many countries.

This 'Counter Disinformation Project' is just another gaslighting campaign. IT WON'T WORK!

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I’m no longer a participant in X/itter, (personal choice & a stress reduction strategy) so I’m grateful for your relaying ‘behind the headlines’ news regarding the ongoing pandemic.

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