Masks in Schools
The Boston paper on mask use in schools triggered the usual arguments, with the usual characters seeking to discredit the paper.
Hoeg, Prasad, Munro etc have all denounced the paper considering the methodology to be so flawed that they is nothing to take away from the paper,

dthat “ not disclosing the information outweighs the public interest in disclosure.
Meanwhile an FOI to the Uk’s Department of Education regarding the evidence base behind the decision to remove masks from classrooms. Rather than providing the evidence base requested the UK government sated "Not disclosing the information weighs the public interest.“

As with the recent immunity debt debate, there are efforts to exaggerate the harms of lockdown.

The Centre for Social Justice was founded by former Conservative party leader Ian Duncan-Smith, the Ghost Children narrative is built on misrepresenting figures for students with severe absence, predominantly from absence to claim those students have gone missing due to lockdown. This has been debunked repeatedly yet the stats continue to be quoted across the media.

The CSJ produced their original misleading report on Ghost Children in collaboration with Us For Them and HART as revealed in the #HARTleaks.

That it continued to be cited without challenge across the UK media and also by the Children’s Commisioner and the newly appointed DfE minister Robert Halfon is yet another example of MPs embracing disinformation.
Covid Recovery APPG

More details in John Bye’s thread

Authorities cover up the scale of long covid
The CDP has already covered various authorities misleading their public on airborne transmission and transmission in schools. It now appears that the same is happening with long covid, as documents from New Brunswick reveal.

NHS100k is linked to the Together Declaration, Workers for England Union and the far right English Democrats, it has been promoted by various elements of the Living Marxism cluster of organisations, MPs and members of the House of Lords like Claire Fox (LM/Academy of ideas).
Last week this interviewed a well known conspiracy theorist, why is a group like this being promoted in parliament?

Pandata has been promoting a disinformation paper by Fenton of HART.

Malhotra’s event last week demonstrates how many people in the UK are willing to pay to attend disinformation group events,

America’s Frontline Doctors civil war continues

Council for National Policy

Musk & Twitter
Interesting thread on Musk’s questionable achievements and links to individuals like Peter Thiel who are said to have encouraged him to buy Twitter.